A new species of wearables have been born that are trying to track stress response by monitoring your breathing rate, skin temperature and heart rate variability. The science behind these products is based on mindfulness approaches of learning to control tense / stressful conditions by the wearable sensing your increased heart rate and breathing and signaling to you to calm down.

WATCH & WARD -  The hype of these wearables has jumped ahead of the science because the wearable cannot determine if your body’s response is optimal for the immediate task.  

WATCH & WARD - Moreover, these wearables HAVE NOT been specifically nor rigorously evaluated in stress reduction trials and existing research may be skewed due to company funded. 

WATCH & WARD - Data from fitness trackers IS NOT subject to federal health-care-privacy laws like HIPAA.  Are you ok with your personal details being out there like you posted them on Facebook?  

WATCH & WARD - Stress apps DO NOT need the microphone, your contacts or location to coach you.  Check these permissions upon or after signing up.  

WATCH & WARD - Understand how your data is being used by reading the terms of service. Does the policy state your data will not be shared? Make sure that you can edit or delete your stats.  Make sure that you can download a copy of your information. 

WATCH & WARD - Before committing, make certain this wearable relationship is one that will  protect, honor and care for you. 

Expert Advice - By Dangerous Donna  7-31-18