Your Body Odor May Be Expressing Some Wild Stuff

First off, sweating does not cause body odor.  Sweat is almost totally odorless; it is the bacteria growing in an on the body that creates the pungent smell.  Everyone has their own unique smell; called their odorprint.  An individual's genes determine their odorprint and the odor is transmitted through our sweat and urine body fluids.   This is the reason why one kind of perfume may smell different on various people.  Moreover, your body odor also often changes as you age because the activity changes of various types of skin glands, thereby, sometimes bestowing the "old people's smell."  

Specific areas of our body contain a specific type of sweat gland that are known as scent glands.  These scent glands release a secretion which breaks down into several substances, such as, ammonia, which can cause an offensive underarm odor.  Moeover, some types of body odor may be expressing certain health problems.  A primary contributor to body odor can be nutrient deficiency, gastrointestinal problems, medical conditions, smoking and the habitation of certain toxins in the body.   Sweat that smells like bleach may be a sign of a liver or kidney disease.  Body odor that has a fruity smell may flag diabetes, on the other hand, a fish-like body odor may be a sign of a rare genetic disorder called trimethylaminuria. (body's excessive excretion and inability to break down certain nitrogen-containing compounds). Body odor can also be caused by mental factors; such as, stress, anxiety and depression.

Over a long period of time, toxins can accumulate in the body resulting in unwanted body odor.  Exercising on a regular basis is one of the best ways to remove toxins.  Exercising into a sweat expels toxins through perspiration and assists in body detoxification.